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Travel Like a Human ?
Welcome to Kitashinshu, IIYAMA and Kijimadaira
Our hostel locates near of Iiyama in the northern part of Nagano, called, Kitashinshu(Hitoric name of North Nagano).
It is about 30km north from Nagano city, where the winter Olympic Games held in 1998.
Since long time ago, people have spent the winters making handicrafts, some of which have developed by
incorporating local natural features in their crafts.
Some villages have their own specialties developed by incorporationg local natural features in their crafts.
Some villages have have thrived by offering warm hospitality to travelers visiting nearby hot springs
Kitashinshu has been home to many religions. Somecities and towns have dozens of temples and
shrines in their downtown areas.
Some havedeveloped as temple towns over more than 1400 years.
Some have traditional festivals in which lively events are used as a means of praying to the gods.
Some have developed a form of mountain worship which reveres the magnificence of nature as a manifestation of a god.
Each regiion will enchant visitors with its distinctive features.
Since the launching new SHINKANSEN service to Iiyama station on March 2015, it makes easier to visit this region.
This region consists from 9cities, towns, and villages have joined together to showcase the best traditional Japanese life,
andensure that visitors have an unforgettable experience.

Nozawa Onsen
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